fixthings (version 1.2)

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This routine adjusts the unfiltered event files to correct for various spacecraft problems. Currently there are two such problems. First, between Feb 10, 1994 and Apr 8, 1994 some of the GIS3 PHA telemetry bits were stuck in the "on" position. The data from this period can be recovered, but with some loss of spectral resolution.

The second problem is that occasionally the spacecraft is switched into FAST mode before it is switched from 4 CCD to 1 CCD mode. Data is actually taken on one CCD (no guarantee that it is the correct one), but the FITS keywords show 4 CCD mode. The fast4fix STOOL adjusts the keywords to reflect the actual mode. As of Feb 6, 1996, this only significantly affected three sequences: 10010160, 40011000, and 41010000.

FTOOLS called:

  1. gis3bitfix.e
Utilities called:
  1. exception
  2. fast4fix
  3. ftool_test
  4. generate_filename
  5. log_entry
  6. milestone
  7. parse_filename
  8. read_fits_keyword
  9. read_parfile