images (version 2.0)

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This routine creates exposure maps and sky images for all of the filtered event files. Images are generated in three energy bands: lo < 2keV, hi > 2keV, and all. The actual PI channels used for the energy cut are 21 , 42 , or 170 for GIS spectra with 128, 256, or 1024 PI channels, respectively. For SIS spectra the PI channel is 547 . The exposure maps take into account the region filtering of GIS files to remove the noisy outer regions, but they do not correct for GIS deadtime. Note that periods of saturated telemetry are removed from the SIS filtered event files, so no correction is needed for this effect. The exposure maps do not account for vignetting in either instrument.

The individual images for each filtered event file are summed so that there are two files of each type - one combining GIS2 and GIS3 and one combining SIS0 and SIS1.

Finally ximage is used to produce an exposure-corrected color image from the "all" energy summed images. ximage produces a PPM format image which is converted to GIF format for easier viewing.

FTOOLS called:

  1. ascaexpo
  2. xselect
STOOLS called:
  1. equals
  2. regionmap
Utilities called:
  1. add_fits_keyword
  2. exception
  3. exit_test
  4. fetch_file
  5. ftool_test
  6. generate_filename
  7. log_entry
  8. merge_images
  9. milestone
  10. parse_filename
  11. read_fits_keyword
  12. read_parfile
  13. setup_parfile
  14. stool_test
  15. xselect_test