lightcurves (version 1.7)

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This routine extracts binned light curves (FITS format rate files) for each source. Each light curve combines data from all the event files for a given instrument - even if mode (e.g. discriminator setting) changes between these files could affect the count rate.

The time bin size is set to give a mean of 50 counts per bin, but not to be smaller than the coarsest time resolution of the parent event files. The binned light curves are extracted using exposure=0.5 in xselect, so that a bin is included only if at least half of it falls within a GTI. Light curves are only extracted if they contain at least 500 events.

The GIS lightcurves are currently NOT corrected for dead time due to problems with the current (FTOOLS 4.0 and earlier) version of ldeadtime.

This routine also creates GIS L1 count rate monitor light curves using the FTOOL ghkcurve. The GTIs for those curves are created by merging the GTIs in all the filtered event files for a given instrument.

FTOOLS called:

  1. ghkcurve
  2. ldeadtime
  3. xselect
STOOLS called:
  1. equals
  2. floatcmp
Utilities called:
  1. any_filename
  2. exception
  3. file_to_log
  4. ftool_test
  5. generate_filename
  6. gti_merge
  7. log_entry
  8. milestone
  9. read_fits_keyword
  10. read_parfile
  11. setup_parfile
  12. xselect_test