telemetry (version 1.9)

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This routine copies telemetry and attitude files into the working directory and uncompresses them. It checks the SEQNUM (sequence number) and OBJECT FITS keywords for validity and then checks that the files are time ordered.

If there is more that one telemetry file, the routine checks for and removes overlaps between the files. This is done for both the telemetry files and the attitude files.

Finally the routine checks to make sure that the time spanned by each telemetry file is covered by the corresponding attitude file, within an 31.0 second tolerance. If not, the telemetry file is trimmed to match the attitude file and an error is given to indicate that the processing team should request a new attitude file from ISAS. If the ascalin FTOOL encountered such a gap it would leave the entire event file containing the gap uncalibrated. Therefore the least amount of useful information is lost when the telemetry files are trimmed.

Finally, the routine copies the orbit file into the current directory and checks that the orbit file covers the time of the observation.

FTOOLS called:

  1. fmemsort
  2. fselect
STOOLS called:
  1. equals
  2. floatcmp
Utilities called:
  1. add_fits_keyword
  2. any_filename
  3. check_order
  4. exception
  5. exit_test
  6. fetch_file
  7. ftool_test
  8. log_entry
  9. milestone
  10. read_bintable
  11. read_fits_keyword
  12. read_parfile
  13. setup_parfile