wrapup (version 1.7)

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This routine does some final manipulation of the files. First, add a set of FITS keywords describing the processing and observation to each FITS file. Then run the fverify FTOOL on all FITS files and report any errors found. Next, check that all files in either the distribution or the trend catalogs are present. Report an error if a file is missing or if there are any files not listed in either catalog. Finally, save the names of a few important files in the job parameter file so that they may be used by software downstream in the processing pipeline.

FTOOLS called:

  1. fchecksum
  2. fdump
  3. fmodhead
  4. fverify
Utilities called:
  1. add_parameter
  2. exception
  3. file_to_log
  4. ftool_test
  5. generate_filename
  6. log_entry
  7. milestone
  8. read_parfile
  9. setup_parfile