save spectrum

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save spectrum

Saves the spectrum file. In addition, the output spectrum can be grouped or rebinned on output. The default is to rebin the spectrum. This can be turned off by saying

xsel > save spec group=no

Otherwise, the following will be done:

=======  ========== ========  ========================================
ASCA        GIS      PH       GRPPHA: GROUP channels 0-1023 by 4
            SIS      BRIGHT   RBNPHA: BRIGHT2LINEAR to 512
                              GRPPHA: Channels < EVTR flagged bad
            SIS      BRIGHT2  RBNPHA: LINEAR to 1024
                              GRPPHA: Channels < EVTR flagged bad
ROSAT      PSPC      NONE     GRPPHA: Bad 1-11, 212-256
                              GRPPHA: GROUP 12-211 by 10

Web Page Maintained by: Dr. Lawrence E. Brown