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XSELECT will currently run and produce graphics on the following device types:

GF  (GraphOn)  GTERM  NULL  (!)  PS    RETRO  SUN   

Thus, Sunview users should be operating in a GTERM or SUN window. Set the plotting device using the DEVICE command, or by setting the ''plotdev" variable in the xsel.par file to ''/xterm" (for example).

When the plotting device is changed the new value is stored as the default in the xselect par file. On startup, if there is a saved session, Xselect first looks for the plotting device in the save session file (xsel_session.xsl). If it is empty there, or there was no saved session, Xselect looks in the par file for this device. If this parameter is empty, then Xselect checks the environment variable PGPLOT_TYPE, and uses its value if found. If no plot device was found, you will be prompted for one the first time it is needed. If you respond with a ?, then you will get a listing of available device types.

To change plot device WHILE IN PLT, you can type e.g. device /gt, then o or p will redisplay the plot on the new device. Note that on the Macs /tek seems to work more quickly and with less screen-flashing than /mac.

Note also, that SAOIMAGE will not run on TEK, RETRO, GF, or MAC terminals.

2 Known_Bugs/Features

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Web Page Maintained by: Dr. Lawrence E. Brown elwin@redshift.gsfc.nasa.gov