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Get help on Xselect commands

Obtain help on the XSELECT commands, their syntax, and examples. Help uses the XHELP interactive help facility. The optional topic list can be used to go directly to a particular topic and sub-topic. Once in help, typing ?? will summarise extra features and special characters that can be used within the XHELP system.

To exit back to XSELECT, use an EOF, a /*, or type <CR> until you leave the help facility.


xsel >  help <topic list>

5 Examples:

xsel >  help

gives the list of topics available.

xsel >  help bin

gives the text for the bin command. This is a little funny, since bin is actually a subheading of help Commands. In fact any parameters entered on the command line after help point to the Command subheading, so to see the XPI section you must type help and wait for the XHELP prompt.

Web Page Maintained by: Dr. Lawrence E. Brown