OSSERVATORIO ASTRONOMICO DI PALERMO & EUROPEAN UNION Euroconference on STELLAR CLUSTERS AND ASSOCIATIONS: CONVECTION, ROTATION, AND DYNAMOS Mondello (Palermo), Italy May 25th - 28th, 1999 ******* EUROPEAN UNION GRANTS FOR YOUNG ASTRONOMERS ******* ******* APPLICATION FORM ******* I wish to apply for a Training and Mobility of Researches grant to attend the event. *) Title of event: Euroconference on "STELLAR CLUSTERS AND ASSOCIATIONS: CONVECTION, ROTATION, AND DYNAMOS" *) Taking place in: Mondello (Palermo - Italy ) Date: 25-28 May 1999 *) Surname .....: *) First name ..: *) Age .........: *) Nationality .: *) Professional status .: *) University/Company ..: *) Postcode ............: *) City ................: *) Country .............: *) Tel .................: *) Fax .................: *) Email................: *) University (or equivalent) graduation date .: *) Discipline .......................................: *) Institution of graduation ........................: *) Brief curriculum vitae since graduation .: *) Current or projected research activities and motives for wishing to attend the Euroconference: *) Do you or your research group hold a grant from which participation in the event could be funded? Tick one: yes .: no .: *) Have you applied for a grant for this purpose from any other body? yes .: no .: *) If yes, what result? *) Scientific publications of applicant (no more than 5, your best or most recent). (Give title of paper, journal, volume and page numbers, authors). 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. *) Estimated costs of travel to the event (using most economical air or second class train fare). From | To | Means of transport | Return/Single | Cost *) I declare the above is truthful and sincere. I do not expect to be funded for participation in the event from other sources except as above, and that if awarded a grant by the organisers of the event, I will not cover any expenses from more than one funding source. *) Signature: *) Date: PLEASE RETURN TO Roberto Pallavicini by MARCH 15th, 1999. Prof. Roberto Pallavicini Osservatorio Astronomico di Palermo Giuseppe S. Vaiana Piazza del Parlamento 1 90134 - Palermo - Italy Fax: + 39 091 233444, Phone: + 39 091 233251 E-mail: workshop@oapa.astropa.unipa.it)