PREPRINTS E ALTRO MATERIALE PERVENUTO ALL'OAPA DI RECENTE 1) Catania Astrophysics preprints - The RIASS coronathon: joint X-ray and ultraviolet observations of normal F-K stars T.R. Ayres et al. N. 19/1994 - Starspot evolution, activity cycle and orbital period variation of the prototype active binary RS Canum Venaticorum M. Rodono' et al. N. 1/1995 - Papers presented at the 4th MU.SI.CO.S. workshop, Bejing Astronomical Observatory N. 3/1995 - Long-term monitoring of active stars. IV. UBV(RI)c observations obtained at La Silla in December 1989 G. Cutispoto N. 4/1995 - Effects of flows and non-equilibrium ionization on some CIV lines ratios on the sun D. Spadaro et al. N. 5/1995 2) Arcetry astrophysics preprints - Annual Report 1994 F. Pacini - A search for cold dust in two distant radio galaxies A. Cimatti and W. Freudling N. 2/95 - Collapse of magnetized molecular cloud cores: model predictions versus observations Daniele Galli N. 3/95 - Red supergiants as starbust tracers in galactic nuclei E. Oliva et al. N. 4/95 - PAH emission from HerbigAe/Be and T Tauri stars A. Natta and E. Kruegel N. 5/95 - The effect of the environment on the temperature profile of circumstellar disks Antonella Natta N. 6/95 3) Astronomische Institute der Universitat Bonn preprints - Globular cluster systems of elliptical galaxies Tom Richtler N. 95-1 - Speckle masking observations of HD 97950 with 75 mas resolution: evolution of the stellar core of the starburst cluster NGC 3603 K.-H. Hofmann et al. N. 95-2 - CCD photometry of the young association NGC 1962-665-66-70 in the Large Magellanic Cloud J.-M. Will et al. N. 95-3 - A detailed study of the open cluster Pismis 20 R.A. Vazquez et al. N. 95-4 - CCD photometry and astrometry in the selected regions C and E in the Large Magellanic Cloud J.-M. Will et al. N. 95-05 - Internal motions in the Pleiades Cluster M Geffert et al. N. 95-06 4) Milano preprint series in Astrophysics - ROSAT observations of compact groups of galaxies P. Saracco and P. Ciliegi N. 145 - X-ray observations of the peculiare Be star LS I +61 303 P. Goldoni and S. Mereghetti N. 146 - THE EDSGC-VII: the Edinburgh-Milano cluster redshift survey C.A. Collins et al. N. 147 - Effects of atmospheric emission on ground-based microwave background measurements M. Bersanelli et al. N. 148 5) Bologna Astrophysics preprints - The age of old Magellanic cloud clusters. I: NGC 2257 V. Testa et al. N. 02-1995-005 - IRAS selected galactic star-forming regions II: water maser detections in the extended sample C. Codella et al. N.03-1995-009 - Evolutionary paths in multiple shell planetary nebulae Letizia Stanghellini e Anna Pasquali N. 04-1995-018 - Gravitational redshift in galaxy cluster Alberto Cappi N. 04-1995-016 6) SISSA ISAS preprints - Rotation curves of 967 spiral galaxies Massimo Persic and Paolo Salucci N. 10/95/A - The milky way galaxy: is the dynamical history at odds with the chemical history? Francesca Matteucci N. 14/95/A - Evaporation of quark drops during the cosmological quark-hadron transition Luciano Rezzolla et al. N. 15/95/A-EP - Rotation curves of 967 spiral galaxies: implications for dark matter Massimo Persic et al. N. 18/95/A - Rotation curves of 967 spiral galaxies: implications for dark matter Massimo Persic et al. N. 22/95/A (pare diverso dal precedente!) - Decaying neutrinos and the electron density in the local interstellar cloud near the sun D.W. Sciama N. 23/95/A - The local galaxy density and the bulge-to-disk ratio of disk galaxies G. Giuricin et al. N. 28/95/A 7) Padova and Asiago Observatories technical reports - The setup operations of the "Copernico" B & C spectrograph D. Fantinel, R.U. Claudi Technical report N.6 - Focus of the "Copernico" Telescope B & C spectrograph R.U. Claudi et al. Technical report n.7 - Telescopio Nazionale Galileo Adaptive optics for the TNG S. di Serego Alighieri et al. Technical report n.41 8) MPE preprints - Ultraviolet extensions measured with ROSAT HRI around active galaxies Halton Arp N. 304 - A x-ray study of the young open cluster IC 2602 S. Randich et al. N. 307 9) Leicester University preprints - The complex variable soft x-ray spectrum of NGC5548 C. Done et al. N.95/02 - The ROSAT wide field camera all-sky survey of extreme-ultraaviolet source. II. The 2RE source catalogue J.P. Pye et al. N. 95/05 10) Altri preprints - Beat-type Langmuir wave emissions associated with a type III solar radio burst: evidence of parametric decay G.B. Hospodarsky and D.A. Gurnett Univ. of Iowa n. 94-21 - The connection between x-ray and radio selected BL Lacertae objects Paolo Padovani and Paolo Giommi Tor Vergata astrophysics preprint n.2F/94/48 11) Altre pubblicazioni - Solar phenomena Jan.-Dec. 1994 Osservatorio Astronomico di Roma M. Torelli - TNG newsletter January 1995, n.9 - Publications of the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan Vol.3, N.4