Preprints pervenuti all'OAPA nelle ultime settimane: 1) Bologna Astrophysics preprints - Environmental effects on the structure of the dwarf spheroidal galaxies M. Bellazzini et al. N. 034 - Is the x-ray spectrum of the Seyfert 2 galaxy NGC5252 intrinsically flat? M. Cappi et al. N. 035 - NGC 2452: luminosity variations of the PN nucleus? Roberto Silvotti N. 036 - The energetics of flat and rotating early-type galaxies and their x-ray luminosity L. Ciotti and S. Pellegrini N. 039 2) Sissa/Isas - Observed and synthetic spectra of super-metal rich stars: a progress report M. Chavez et al. N. 61/95 - Diffuse Halpha emission from extended disks of spiral galaxies: a decisive test of the decaying neutrino theory D.W. Sciama N. 63/95 - Is there a monopole problem? Gia Dvali et al. N. 81/95 - Doppler peaks: a fingerprint of topological defects Ruth Durrer et al. N. 83/95 - Velocity dispersions and x-ray temperatures of galaxy clusters M. Girardi et al. N. 86/95 3) Milano preprint series in Astrophysics - Strong gravitation field light deflection in binary systems containing a collapsed star S. Campana et al. N. 155 - Milano contributions to the international workshop "Observational cosmology: from galaxies to galaxy systems", Sesto Pusteria, July 4-7, 1995 N. 156 4) Catania preprints - Elemental abundances in the solar network and cell centers from EUV spectra D. Spadaro et al. N. 10/1995 - Papers presented at IAU Coll. 158 "Cataclysmic variables and related objects", Keele, England, 26-30 June 1995, A. Evans and J.H. Woods eds., Kluwer, in press G. Belvedere et al. N. 12/1995 5) Padova and Asiago technical reports - The setup operations of the "Copernico" B & C spectrograph D. Fantinel, R.U. Claudi N. 6 - Focus of the "Copernico" telescope B & C spectrograph R.U. Claudi et al. N. 7 - The 182 cm telescope B & C spectrograph: three useful experimental relationships R.U. Claudi, L. Contri N. 8 - Atlas for the neon-iron lamp 1.22 m telescope prism spectrograph camera VI + CDD Toma V. Tomov and Ulisse Munari N. 9 - Spectral atlas 1.22 m telescope - prism spectrograph camera VI + CDD Boris F. Yudin et al. N. 10 - Telescopio Nazionale Galileo - Pupil plane wavefront sensing with an oscillating prism R. Ragazzoni N. 46 - Auxiliary telescopes for the absolute tip-tilt determination of a laser guide star R. Ragazzoni et al. N. 47 - Optical design of the TNG high resolution spectrograph (SARG): the R4 option A. Cavezza et al. N. 48 6) Wisconsin Astrophysics preprints - PSR 1509-58 and its plerionic environment C. Greiveldinger et al. N. 568 - ROSAT observation of the old classical nova CP puppis Solen Balman et al. N. 569 - Sulfur isotopes and molecular outflows associated with newly formed massive stars Ed Churchwell - Star formation coherence in spiral galaxies J.S. Gallagher and Paula Scowen - Temperature fluctuations in nebulae John S. Mathis N. 570 - Spectra of classical novae during outburst J.S. Gallagher - An update on the x-ray observations of classical novae Hakki Ogelman and Marina Orio - The "zoo" of super-soft x-ray sources Marina Orio - ROSAT observation of the old classical nova CP puppis Solen Balman et al. N. 571 - HI observations of southern extreme late-type galaxies. II. Small angular size galaxies and galaxies near the galactic plane Lynn D. Matthews et al. N. 572 7) Center for EUV astrophysics preprints - X-ray selected EUV galaxiesL scraping the botton of the "invisible" barrel A. Fruscione N. 670 - The FIP effect and abundance anomalies in late-type stellar coronae J.J. Drake et al. - Elemental abundances in stellar coronae J.J. Drake et al. - Detection of the FIP effect in the corona of alpha Centuri J.J. Drake et al. N.671-673 - X-ray selected EUV galaxies: a quest for the faintest extragalactic EUV sources A. Fruscione - The MRK 421 multiwavelength campaign: EUVE observation A. Fruscione et al. N. 674 and 675 8) Observatoire de Haute-Provence pre-publications - Observation of the metallic line doubling phenomenon in the variable star RR Lyrae M. Chadid and D. Gillet N. 88 - Pulsating motions and turbulences in delta Cephei A.B. Fokin et al. N. 89 - PKS 1349-439 and Q 1349-439 P. Veron N. 90 9) Altro materiale - Be Star newsletter September 1995 N. 30 - Publications of the National Astr. Obs. of Japan Vol. 4, n.1