BIG BEAR SOLAR OBSERVATORY - The relation of CaII K features to magnetic fields A. Nindos, H. Zirin Solar Physics n. 1007 - November 1997 - Lifetime of intranetwork magnetic elements J. Zhang et al. Solar Physics n. 1008 - November 1997 - Curious magnetic changes in quiet region H. Zirin, P.R. Wilson, Y.Li Solar Physics n. 1009 - November 1997 - Towards a frequency-agile solar radiotelescope T.S. Bastian et al. Proceedings of the 1997 NSO/SP Summer Workshop n. 1010 - November 1997 - Effects of subsurface inhomogeneities on the statistics of solar oscillation power spectra M.F. Woodard Solar Physics n. 1011 - November 1997 - Speckle masking imagine of susnspots and pores C. Denker Solar Physics N. 1012 - Novemebr 1997 - On the orgin of solar oscillations P.R. Goode, L.H. Strous ApJL n. 1013 - February 1998 - Comparison of H alpha and He II 304 macrospicule H. Wang Submitted to ApJL n. 1014 - February 1998 - Photospheric magnetic field changes associated with transition region explosive events J. Chae et al. Submitted to ApJL n. 1015 - February 1998 - Mini filament eruption on the Quiet Sun. I. Observations at H alpha Central Line J. Wang et al. Submitted to ApJ n. 1016 - February 1998 - High-spatial resolution observations of s small delta spot C. Denker, H. Wang Submitted to ApJl 1017 - February 1998 - Dynamics of solar spicules H. Zirin, R. Cameron Proceedings of the Meeting on Solar Jets and Coronal plumes, 23-26 February 1998, Guaedeloupe, France n. 1018 - March 1998 - The evolution of intranetwork magnetic elements J. Zhang et al. Submitted to A&A n. 1019 - April 1998 - On the accuracy of helioseismic determination of solar helium abundance O. Richard et al. Submitted to A&A n. 1020 - April 1998 - The motion patterns of intranetwork magnetic elements J. Zhang et al. A&A n. 1021 - April 1998 - New digital magnetograph at Big Bear Solar Observatory H. Wang et al. Submitted to Solar Physics n. 1022 - April 1998 ESO SCIENTIFIC PREPRINTS - Dynamical evolution of wind driven H II regions in strong density gradients F. Comeron A&A n. 1236 - July 1997 - Photoionization of veri high excitation gas in the Circinus galaxy and other active galactic nuclei L. Binette et al. A&A n. 1241 - August 1997 - Chemical abundances of planetary nebulae in the Sagittarius dwarf elliptical galaxy J.R. Walsh et al. n. 1242 - August 1997 - SN Ia light curves and radioactive decay E. Cappellaro et al. A&A n. 1243 - August 1997 - Variability of active galactic nuclei M.H. Ulrich, L. Maraschi, C.M. Urry n. 1244 - September 1997 - Velocity fields of planetaru nebulae K. Gesicki et al. A&A n. 1245 - September 1997 - Obscured asymptotic giant branch stars in the Magellanic clouds. IV. Carbon stars and OH/IR stars J.T. van Loon et al. A&A n. 1246 - September 1997 - Lithium in very metal poor thick disk stars P. Molaro, P. Bonifacio, L. Pasquini MNRAS n. 1247 - September 1997 - Study of nova shells I: FH Ser 1970 and QU Vul 1984, nebular expansion, parallax and luminosity M. Della Valle et al. A&A n. 1248 - September 1997 - Remote observing at the ESO NTT & CAT telescopes A.A. Zijlstra et al. n. 1249 - September 1997 - Kinematic signatures of violent formation of galactic OB association from Hipparcos measurements F. Comeron, J. Torra, A.E. Gomez A&A n. 1255 - December 1997 - Radiative acceleration of coronal gas in Seyfert nuclei L. Binette MNRAS n. 1256 - December 1997 - Starcounts in the flanking fields of the Hubble deep field. The faint end of the disc stellar luminosity function and its scale height R.A. Mendez, R. Guzman A&A n. 1257 - February 1998 - Radio jet interaction in the radio galaxy PKS 2152-699 R.A.E. Fosbury et al. MNRAS n. 1258 - February 1998 - Stellar and circumstellar activity of the Be star mi Cen. I. Line emission outbursts Th. Rivinius et al. A&A n. 1259 - February 1998 - Type Ia supernovae and q 0 B. Leibundgut To appear in Supernovae and Cosmology, eds. L. Labhardt, B. Binggeli, R. Buser, Basel, University of Basel n. 1260 - February 1998 - Young tidal dwarf galaxies around the gas rich disturbed lenticular NGC 5291 P.A. Duc, I.F. Mirabel A&A n. 1261 - February 1998 - On the relative ages of galactic globular clusters: a new observable, semi empirical calibrarion and problems with the theoretical isochrones R. Buonanno et al. A&A n. 1262 - February 1998 - Contributions of the ESO data management and operations division to the SPIE Workshop "Observatory operations to optimize scientific return" 20-21 March 1998 n. 1263 - April 1998 - Nebular velocities in type Ia supernovae and their relationship o light curves P.A. Mazzali et al. n. 1265 - April 1998 - Early recovery of comet 55P/Tempel Tuttle O.R. Hainaut et al. A&A n. 1265 - April 1998 - Mixed early and late-type properties in the bar of NGC 6221: evidence for evolution along the Hubble sequence? J.C. Vega Beltran et al. A&A n. 1266 - April 1998 - The peculiar type II supernova 1997 D: a case for a very low 56 Ni mass M. Turatto et al. N. 1267 - April 1998 - An HST study of extragalactic OB associations F. Bresolin et al. Astronomical Journal n. 1268 - April 1998 - ISO observations of candidate young brown dwarf F. Comeron et al. A&A n. 1269 - May 1998 - The ages of disturbed field elliptical galaxies: I. Global properties D.R. Silva, G.D. Bothun Astronomical Journal n. 1270 - May 1998 - Multiwavelength observations of a Seyfert 1 galaxy detected in ACO 3627 P.A. Wouldt et al. A&A n. 1271 - May 1998 - WFPC2 Observations of Leo A: a predominantly young galaxy within the local group E. Tolstoy et al. Astronomical Journal n. 1272 - May 1998 - Stellar and circumstellar activity of the Be star mi Cen : II. Multiperiodic low-order line-profile variability Th. Rivinius et al. A&A n. 1273 - May 1998 - Compact HII regions in the large Magellanic cloud observed by ESO F. Comeron, P. Claes A&A n. 1274 - June 1998 - A survey for dense cores and young stellar clusters in the W3 giant molecular cloud A. Tieftrunk et al. n. 1275 - July 1998 - Optical identification of ROSAT sources in M67: activity in an old cluster L. Pasquini, T. Belloni n. 1276 - July 1998 - The metal absorption systems of the Hubble deep field South QSO S. Savaglio n. 1277 - July 1998 - Quasar image shifts due to gravitational microlensing G.F. Lewis, R.A. Ibata n. 1278 - July 1998 - Galactic indigestion: numerical simulations of the Milky Way's closest neighbor R.A. Ibata, G.F. Lewis n. 1279 - July 1998 - APM 08279+5255: an ultraluminous BAL quasar at a redshift z=3.87 M.J. 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Sparke ApJ Letters n. 652 - The classical T Tauri spectroscopic binary DQ Tau. II. Emission line variations with orbital phase G. Basri. C.M. Johns-Krull, R.D. Mathieu Astronomical Journal n. 653 - X-ray sources in regions of star dormation.VI. The R Cra association as viewed by Einstein F. M. Walter et al. Astronomical Journal n. 655 June 1997 - Optical infrared views of the distant universe with ground based telescopes J.S. Gallagher, E. Tolstoy The ultraviolet Oniverse at low and high redshift: probing the progress of galaxy evolution, ed. W. Waller, AIP press. n. 656 - July 1997 - Far-ultraviolet imaging of the large Magellanic cloud populous cluster NGC 1978 with WFPC2 A. A. Cole et al. n. 657 - September 1997 - B and V CCD photometry of Southern, extreme late-type spiral galaxies L.D. Matthews, J.S. Gallagher, III Astronomical Journal N. 658 - September 1997 - The Hubble Space Telescope high speed photometer R.C. 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Cassinelli ESO Workshop on Cyclical variability in stellar winds n. 673 - January 1998 - The expansion rate and distance of G5.89-039 J.M. Accord, E. Churchwell, D.O.S. Wood Astronomical Journal n. 674 - January 1998 - A model for lopsided galactic disks S.E. Levine, L.S. Sparke ApJ Letters n. 676 - January 1998 - Non-ohmic effects in hopping conduction in doped silicon and germanium between 0.05 and 1 Kelvin J. Zhang et al. Physical Review B, 15 february 1998 n. 677 - January 1998 - Preliminary results from a suborbital flight of a 36-pixel microcalorimeter array S. Deiker et al. Proceedings of the VII. International Confernce on Low Temperature Detectors, Munich, July 1997 n. 678 - January 1998 - ORFEUS-SPAS II EUV spectroscopy of epsilon CMa (B2 II) D.H. Cohen et al. ApJL n. 679 - January 1998 - Infrared spectroscopy of ultracompact HII regions M. Faison et al. ApJ n. 680 - March 1998 - Signatures and age-dating od dynamical events through galaxy abundance profiles J.S. 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