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WP 0 - Project Management

Resp. Giuseppina Micela
INAF - Osservatorio Astronomico di Palermo

The programme will be run by a board chaired by the PI. The board will be composed by the coordinators of the WPs plus some key experts in specific aspects of the programme as described in the Governance section.

The board will meet at least once every six months, in addition to a kick off and a final meeting. If necessary, additional meetings will be organized. The board

  • will monitor the activities;
  • will decide the priorities and detailed timelines;
  • will promote the exchanges among the Wps;
  • will take actions to solve unforeseen problems.
The formal meetings will include talks on the achieved scientific and technological results, a discussion on the encountered problems and any other issues that may be relevant for the good run of the project. These meetings will be open also to other scientists interested to the programme. All the presentations will be posted on the web page of the project.

The Management WP will take care of the correct implementation of this model of Governance and it will ensure that the board and team meeting will be organized as planned. It will be in charge of the project administration duties vs INAF and vs. MIUR, including scientific, administrative and financial reports.

A web page will be activated with all the relevant news relative to the project, including the advertising of the open positions, the main scientific and technological results and the internal meetings. The results will be presented at international meetings and published in international refereed journal.

This WP will be in charge also to maintain the web page of the project, making available to the participants the relevant documents and the project results. It will monitor also the scientific dissemination activities of the projects maintaining a repository site of publications and presentations.

Expected outcomes for the first year:

  • Meetings of the board
  • Plenary meetings of the project team
  • List of publications and presentations
  • Scientific and technological papers and report
  • Web pages