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WP 5 - Atmospheres

Resp. Giuseppina Micela
INAF - Osservatorio Astronomico di Palermo

The study of atmospheres of exo-planets is today the frontier of the planetary research. The goal is to understand the atmospheric structure (composition and temperature), albedo, and biomarkers in a variety of exo-planets.
The final objective is to identify planets with atmosphere composition similar to that of the Earth atmosphere, i.e. rich in water vapour, oxygen, ozone, and carbon dioxide. We are already able to observe atmospheres of few hot Jupiters and Neptunians, and we expect to observe in the next decade many atmospheres of small planets as Super-Earths (1-10 Mearth) in temperate regions (with temperature consistent with liquid water). Super-Earths are the best candidates for hosting life and therefore to search for bio-signatures.
Spectroscopic measurements of the atmospheres of transiting extrasolar planets are a key tool towards understanding the planetary composition, formation and evolution, that will eventually lead to identification of chemical bio-signatures. The transit technique includes the primary and secondary eclipse methods. With the primary transit method, the thin atmospheric annulus surrounding the optically thick disk of the planet can be observed, while the planet is transiting in front of its parent star. The properties of the planet atmosphere are obtained by studying the transmitted stellar spectrum.
In the secondary transit method, we observe as first step the combined spectrum of the star and the planet. Then, the stellar spectrum alone, during the secondary eclipse, is measured. The difference between the two measurements provides the planet's contribution. Primary and secondary transit techniques have been tested in visible and infrared ranges for few hot Jupiters and Neptunians from ground and space (HST and Spitzer).
This WP will be focused on the observations and interpretation of planetary atmospheres. The goal is the definition of an Italian roadmap, coherent with the international context, aimed at reconstructing the environmental conditions on exo-planets and identifying those compatible with habitability and life.

In order to fulfil the goals discussed above we plan:

  • to propose and analyse observations of the planetary atmospheres accessible from ground facilities (mainly hot Jupiters) to gain experience for the next generation of instruments
  • to participate actively to the design of the ESA ECHO mission, presently in assessment phase
  • to contribute significantly to the scientific objectives and requirements for HIRES/ELT
  • to proceed with the feasibility analysis of innovative ideas for planetary atmospheric observations
  • to analyse the possible biomarkers in order to identify the scientific requirements for future detections

Step 1 : Preparation of proposals for spectroscopic observations with the largest ground-based telescopes (VLT and LBT), that will increase our expertise in the analysis and interpretation of atmospheric data. The main difficulty is the capability to extract the planetary signal (a very tiny fraction of the stellar signal) that requires the development of sophisticated analysis techniques, and the inversion of the planet spectrum to derive the relevant physical quantities of its atmosphere. This work will contribute to the definition of the scientific requirements for the instruments in the design phase, as HIRES/ELT. Special attention will be given to the correction for terrestrial atmosphere lines, main contaminants of exoplanets spectra observed from ground.

Step 2 : EChO (Exoplanets Characterization Observatory) is an ESA M3 mission presently in assessment phase. Observations from space have significant advantages: the spectrum is not distorted by Earth atmosphere, and it is possible to observe bands non-accessible from ground. Italy is strongly involved in the design of the mission (at co-PI level - G. Micela), and we also aim to achieve an important role in the implementation phase. EchO will obtain moderate (R=300) resolution broad band (0.4-16μm) spectra of planets from Jupiter-like to Super-Earths from close orbits (hot-planets) to temperate regions around stars from dF to dM. Italy has a significant responsibility of the design and, hopefully, of the construction of Data Processing System, and Visible- Near Infrared (VNIR) Channel. These contributions will be funded by Italian Space Agency. With the present proposal we plan an extra-activity aimed at further qualifying the italian contribution, and at improving the performance of the instrument beyond the present baseline.
The study will be focused on spectrometric instrumentation able to work in the range between the visible and the near-infrared (0.4-5micron). We propose to develop prototypes of instrumental components that involve the chain of the detection and the measure of the signals, through the transformation of the acquired data to a scientific product to be directly used by the scientists.
In order to obtain an high signal to noise ratio, crucial for the detection of weak signals, the instrumentation should work at temperature as low as 40-50 K. Moreover, the ability of working at low temperatures would permit an easier integration (not as the more commonly used and ''warms'' CCDs) with the other spectroscopic modules working at longer wavelengths and therefore operating at low temperature. Beside the definition and the characterization of the detector performances at those challenging temperatures, a chain of instrumental solutions for acquisition of the signal from the detectors and its transfer to an on-board computer will be studied. The success of the proposed activity will improve the current European technology of detectors increasing their international competitiveness. The responsible for this activity will be dr. A. Adriani of INAF - IAPS. The temporal development on the project will be on a time span of four years.
The primary scientific institutions involved in the technological part of project will be INAF-Institute of Space Astrophysics and Planetology from Rome and the INAF- Osservatorio Astronomico di Arcetri in Florence with the contribution of the Department of Physics and Astronomy of the University of Florence (prof. E. Pace). The first year activity will be developed within the research institutions with the support of scientific and industrial experts and will consist in: a) the study and the definitions of the requirements and specifications of the instrumentation; b) acquisition of some key instrumentations and electronics components; c) definition and construction of the laboratory set up for the tests of critical elements; d) perform preliminary laboratory test on single hardware elements; e) define the developing plan for the executive design and construction of prototypal instrumentations and their characterization.
The second year will see the direct involvement of an industrial partner to develop the prototypal instrumentation and the development of the different hardware and software subsystems with the support of the scientific institutions.
The third and four years will see the test and characterization of the instrumentation and the elaboration of the results of the study.

Step 3 : HIRES will be the high (=100,000) resolution spectrograph for ELT currently in design phase. The constitution of the international consortium is in progress and Italy is one of the major player. In this programme we do not propose technological developments but scientific activities. Since one of the key objectives of HIRES is the observation of the planetary atmospheres, we plan to give a contribution to the scientific requirements that will drive the technological design of the instrument. The experience gained in activity A) will be of great help in contributing to the HIRES science objectives, in the definition of science requirements and in the trade off analysis. We will work in close connection with dr. Livia Origlia, scientific italian PI of the instrument.

Step 4 : We plan to study the possibility to adopt an innovative inexpensive approach for planet atmospheric observations in the visible band from ground high throughput telescopes. This activity will be under the responsibility of prof. G. Piotto . Since transit spectroscopy does not need high quality image we will explore the possibility to use large area - low quality telescopes to observe planet atmospheres. Cherenkov telescopes are the best candidates because their rough optical quality and large apertures (10+ meter class). In particular, we plan to perform an assessment study to establish the feasibility, the scientific capabilities and the roadmap, to retrofit one or more existing Cherenkov telescopes with a pre-slit optics such to convey a spot (the star) of the order of one arcmin in diameter into a single optical fiber. This would allow to obtain, in the optical band, unprecedented high quality spectra in order to derive atmospheric spectra of exoplanets.
A feasibility study in conjunction with industry would assess the scientific potential of such an approach, the optomechanical complexity, and the cost of the technical implementation. The study will also provide a roadmap for the possible implementation and the evaluation of the impact that this would have to the Cherenkov operations. The latter, although expected to be small as transit and eclipses are of short duration and well known predicted in advance, will be investigate analysing the real-life experience of existing facility nearby astronomical telescopes (e.g.Magic close to the Italian TNG telescope where the team members have considerable experience in high SNR spectra ).
A preliminary analysis (based on real FORS-VLT observations) indicates that with Magic we could reach a sensitivity of 2.4*10-4 on individual transit, enabling us to detect at 3-sigma alkali elements in the atmospheres of the majority of known transits. A detailed study of the targets is needed, since the contamination from sky background and nearby stars would be relevant. The resources needed for this activity is one “assegno di ricerca”, and laboratory equipments and materials for the feasibility analysis.

Step 5 : The objective to detect biomarkers, i.e. ''what constitutes evidence for life'' in exoplanets requires a number of steps: a) the identification of planets in habitable zone, b) the verification that the environment is no too harsh to sustain life, c) identification and detectability of typical life signatures (necessary but not sufficient to ensure the presence of life itself), d) unambiguous identification of biomarkers. In this framework we will use the Earth Similarity Index (ESI) concept, a multiparameter first assessment of Earth-likeness for planets.ESI is a function of planetary properties and their corresponding terrestrial values opportunely weighted. It is a number between zero (no similarity) and one (identical to Earth). Earth-like planets are defined as any planets with a similar terrestrial composition and a temperate atmosphere. Any planetary body with an ESI value over 0.8 can be considered and Earth-like planet. This means that the planet is rocky in composition (silicates) and has an atmosphere suitable for most terrestrial vegetation including complex life. Planets with ESI values in the 0.6 to 0.8 range (i.e. Mars) might still be habitable too, but only by simple extremophilic life. ESI values for solar and extrasolar planets are shown in the following Figu>e. They are also divided for convenience into an Interior ESI, based on the mean radius and bulk density, and a Surface ESI, based on the escape velocity and surface temperature. Both the interior and surface ESI are combined into a global ESI used to study the Earth-likeness.
The activity will be conducted under the responsibility of dr. Cecchi Pestellini .

Figure 1: ESI for Solar System bodies with radius greater than 100 km (orange) and 258 known extrasolar planets (blue). Only some of the most notable bodies are labeled. The ESI scale makes a distinction between those rocky interior (light red area) and temperate surface (light blue area) planets. Only planets within these two categories can be considered Earth-like planets (light green area). The dotted lines represent constant ESI values. If confirmed, presently only Gliese 581 g is in the Earth-like category together with Earth (from phl.upr.edu)

Step a) will be based on the results of detection techniques of planets at the right distance from the host stars. Albedo analysis from spectra in optical bands will be used to account for the greenhouse effect. Note that even if giant gaseous planets cannot host life, their satellites can be considered habitable - as for Jupiter and Saturn in our Solar System giants. In figure 5 we report the ESI values for a sample of known planets.

In Step b) we will verify if a habitable planet from step a) has an adequate environment to sustain life. In particular, although still not well understood, we know that stellar activity has definitely an influence on the habitability of a planet. Thanks to their small sizes M dwarfs are the best candidates to search for habitable planets. However, the current efforts to find planets in their habitable zone does not account for the fact that these stars may provide an extreme case of habitability. M dwarfs tend to be very active with large UV and X-ray fluxes, and frequent coronal mass ejections. This will clearly influence both the evolution of the planetary atmosphere, and any life forms that can develop on the planet surface. Theoretical work investigating such influences will be undertaken to assess whether bio-signatures of planets in the habitable zone of M dwarfs can even exist. This work is relevant not only for planets around M dwarfs. The early Sun was itself very active at young age, and this enhanced activity may have had an influence in the terrestrial life origin and evolution.

In Step c) we will evaluate the detectability with the future instruments of the so-called biomarker molecules that are expected to be present in an environment hosting life. As for the Earth biomarkers include ozone (O3), molecular oxygen (O2), and nitrous oxide (N2O). Figure below shows the spectra of Earth, Venus, and Mars as seen from space. The difference is striking: the Earth spectrum is much more complex than the spectra of the other two planets, showing clear lines of biomarker molecules.Theoretical studies have begun to explore the wide range of potential biomarker spectral signatures, assuming a planet evolution similar to the Earth but varying parameters such as planetary and atmospheric mass, biosphere, star temperature and gravity. The results, so far obtained, suggest that biomarkers responses strongly depend upon the physical properties of the central star.

Figure 2: Infrared spectra of Venus, Earth, and Mars. All three spectra show absorption lines due to carbon dioxide. However, only Earth's spectrum shows additional lines due to water and ozone.

Step d) is the most interesting but also the most challenging. Life perturbs disequilibria that arise due to kinetic barriers and can impart unexpected structure to an abiotic system. As a consequence, a bio-signature is an object, substance and/or pattern whose origin specifically requires a biological agent. This is a broad definition, that may be unfortunately misleading because our concepts of life and bio-signatures are inextricably linked. For instance, certain specific mechanisms of our biosphere, e.g., DNA and proteins, might not necessarily be mimicked by other examples of life elsewhere in the cosmos. On the other hand, basic principles of biological evolution might indeed be universal. Thus, bio-signatures must reflect fundamental and universal characteristics of life, and they should not be restricted solely to those attributes that represent local solutions to the challenges of survival. Terrestrial based bio-signatures include cellular and extracellular morphologies, biogenic minerals, chirality, biogenic stable isotope patterns in minerals and organic compounds, atmospheric gases, and remotely detectable features on planetary surfaces. On Earth, bio-signatures also include those key minerals, atmospheric gases and crustal reservoirs of carbon, sulfur and other elements that collectively have recorded the enduring global impact of the utilization of free energy. To be relevant to an astronomical search such features must be sufficiently complex and/or abundant so that they retain a diagnostic expression of some of life's universal attributes. Care is needed to distinguish true biomarker signals from so-called ''false- positives'' i.e. cases where planetary atmospheres ''mimic'' life due to inorganic chemical processes producing biomarkers - for example, strong CO2 photolysis eventually leading to molecular oxygen production. Ozone has a strong infra-red absorption band at 9.6 micron that, being highly saturated is not a useful indicator of its abundance. Sources of nitrous oxide (N2O) into Earth's atmosphere are almost exclusively associated with microbial activity. It absorbs mostly in the troposphere with bands at 7.8 and 3.9 micron. It is an excellent biomarker because, as far we know on the Earth, its inorganic contribution is negligible, implying that false-positives are unlikely. However, its absorption features are weak for today Earth abundances and the measurements are extremely challenging.
Pragmatically, we can hope to constrain an operational definition of biomarker (in other words a protocol) approaching the problem in the laboratory, in the field on Earth, and in (solar) planetary studies (both in remote and in situ). We must define life in universal, measurable terms, remembering that bio-signatures are present over various spatial and temporal scales. The key ''properties'' in such a research are structure, chemistry, replication, energy budget, and environmental conditions. Driven by exo-chemistry studies, laboratory experiments may be performed in other regions of the parameter space, testing other ''extreme'' physical and chemical conditions. Exoplanets studies offer a glimpse of worlds with a fundamentally different chemistry from Earth. Such studies may open new paths for the study of geochemistry and geophysical processes, from which we can learn about e.g., planet's thermal evolution and plate tectonics in conditions far from the evolution of our planets. Since, we know that life is strongly affected by environmental conditions, exoplanetary research enlarge the knowledge of possible chemistries that may be open the way to the construction of systems of ever increasing complexity.

Expected results at the end of the first year are:

  • lists of requirements and specifications of the EChO detectors;
  • acquisition of some key instrumentations and electronics components;
  • laboratory set up for the tests of critical elements;
  • preliminary laboratory test on single hardware elements
  • plan for the executive design, construction and characterization of prototypes
  • scientific requirements for HIRES
  • feasibility analysis of retrofitting a Cherenkov telescope
  • The definition of what is a biomarker.