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WP 6 - Solar System and Laboratory Simulations

Resp. Giuseppe Piccioni
INAF - Istituto di Astrofisica e Planetologia Spaziali

Currently, our view on planetary atmospheres derives from our experience in the solar system that is our only available reference. In this WP we plan to characterize the variability of Solar System atmospheres in order to correctly interpret the exoplanet data, and study in laboratory the properties of mixtures of gas that mimic the physical and chemical conditions in planet atmospheres.

Variability of Solar System atmospheres:

The atmospheres of Solar System planets are highly variable in terms of composition, aerosol content and air temperatures not only comparing different bodies, but also within individual planets, as function of space and time.

Studies of exoplanets by means of stellar occultation, reflection or direct emission techniques are potentially prone to interpretation errors of data if the effects of similar variabilities are not properly taken into account. Occultation data merge in a single observable the rays passing along the entire terminator or a whole emisphere of the exoplanets, blending therefore very different physical conditions.

As a first step, we will perform an extensive characterization of the variability of atmospheres of Solar System planets by statistical analysis of visible and infrared spectra. We will base on the extensive archives of IR image spectrometers data from Venus Express (VIRTIS-M), Cassini (VIMS), Galileo (NIMS) and New Horizons (LEISA) missions, available at the PSA-ESA and PDS-NASA repositories. IR hyperspectral are particularly attractive for our purpose since IR spectral range hosts spectral features related to a great number of atmospheric physical parameters, e.g.: gas mixing ratios, clouds compositions and particle sizes. The forthcoming exoplanets projects host IR wide spectral range spectrometer instrumentation.

Available dataset from hyperspectral Solar System instruments consist typically of millions of individual spectra acquired over long time spans and different locations on the target planets. All these properties improve the quality and reliability of a statistical analysis.

For their role of likely paradigm for exoplanets with thick atmospheres, Venus, Jupiter and Saturn will be considered for our analysis. The proposed work is articulated along the following steps:

  • For each dataset, selection of a suitable subset to ensure a coverage as uniform as possible in time and space. Emphasis shall be given to data acquired along the terminator.
  • For each data cube in selected dataset, extraction of spectral endmembers, allowing to identify unambiguously the optical properties.
  • Mapping of endmembers in the current datacube, to assess their relative contributions.
  • Comparison of endmember shapes and importance at different locations and times.

The final objective of this work will be the construction of a database of simulated spectra for an identified set of exoplanets. Moreover, a sensitivity analysis on the observable spectra will drive and constraint the range of chemical-physical variability important to infer the conditions, dynamics, meteorology and finally the potential habitability of the examined exoplanet.
Even if the statistical analysis of data (radiances) instead of derived physical quantities (temperatures, mixing ratios) is of lesser immediate interpretation, it benefits of results unbiased by retrieval algorithms too costly in terms of manpower and computational times to be implemented in this project. Conversely, it can be applied directly to exoplanets data to assess a likely degree of variability inside the recorded observable.

Laboratory Simulations

The interpretation of the future observations depends upon the understanding of how the planet emission/absorption is affected by the stellar spectrum. In particular, it is important to know in detail the optical characteristics of gases in the physical conditions of the planetary atmospheres and the radiation induced phenomena such as photochemical and biological ones. Insights in this direction can be achieved from laboratory studies of simulated planetary atmosphere of different pressure and temperature under the effects of radiation sources, used as proxies of different bands of the stellar emission. This part of the programme is organized in two complementary research activities: optical characterization of simulated atmospheres, and effects of the stellar radiation on the planet atmosphere and spectral biomarkers or biosignatures induced mainly by UV irradiation. These two activities will contribute to build a unique data base for the future interpretation of the exoplanetary atmosphere spectra.

A. Measurements of weak absorption in dense planetary atmospheres

We plan to simulate a planetary atmosphere in the laboratory with chemical composition, temperature and variable density and measure the optical characteristics with a really sensitive technique able to measure absorption coefficient up to about 10-8cm-1 in the spectral range of 1-12 µm. With this technique, known as Cavity Ring Down (CRD), is possible to reproduce a optical path of some tens of km into a cell of 50 cm of length. In order to reproduce the different condition of a real atmosphere, it is possible to vary the temperature of the cell in both directions and insert gases with pressure in the range between 0 and 50 bar. The CRD cell will be mounted inside a vacuum chamber (already available at INAF - IAPS) and it will operate with cooling or warming system and illuminated by a tunable laser with appropriate optics and detectors. Preliminary experiments performed with the collaboration of CNR-ISAC (exploiting a tunable laser at 1.18 µm) show that it is possible to detect 50 ppm of water vapour in a CO2 atmosphere at 40 bar of pressure. With these experiments, the continuum absorption effects have been observed in a very dense atmosphere. This situation is typical for atmospheric condition at the surface of Venus. We consider that the investigation of the optical properties of a CO2 atmosphere with traces of other gases like water vapour, carbon monoxide, oxygen and other gases could be a necessary starting point. The best way to study the properties of that atmosphere in term of observables is to exploit that part of the spectrum where the CO2 absorption is very week (spectral windows). These spectral windows allow us to penetrate and explore very deeply in the atmosphere where on the other hand the absorptions is very difficult to measure in the lab. The more important spectral windows are at 1.09, 1.18, 1,27 and 2.3 µm. To investigate the absorption of the gases present in those spectral windows the CRD technique is unique. For each wavelength corresponding to the spectral windows DFB lasers are available. Furthermore a tunable laser in the range between 1.26 and 1.36 µm is also potentially available.

B. Radiation induced photochemical modifications of planetary atmospheres and organic compounds ( resp. A. Ciaravella )

The experimental investigation of the radiation induced modifications of the planet atmosphere requires the design of dedicated atmospheric cells in which the gas or mixture of gases can be confined in order to be irradiated and analysed.
The cell will be integrated inside the UHV (Ultra High Vacuum) chamber of the LIFE laboratory at the OAPA, where both irradiation and diagnostics of the processed gases can be performed. The LIFE chamber is in fact equipped with IR and Mass spectrometers which will provide in situ monitoring of the gas evolution. The integration of the cell inside the UHV chamber has the advantage of eliminating the IR contamination of the ambient background, and the possibility of using, aside for Visible and UV radiation sources, EUV and X-rays sources very important to simulate the stellar activity. In this context it will possible to explore also the effects of irradiation on organic compounds and their evolution.
The main technical requests for the design of the cell are:

  • The cell needs to be vacuum tight with inlet and outlet valves. Such valves will be used to fill the cell with gas, and to open the cell and let the irradiated gas out into the main vacuum chamber in order to be analysed with the mass spectrometer.
  • Aside from the IR transparent windows for IR transmission spectroscopy, the cell needs to have windows transparent to different radiation energies.
  • A system that provide baking and evacuation of the cell before introducing the gas.
  • A temperature control system to control the temperature of the gas
  • A pressure control system to control the pressure inside the cell
No such a cell or similar products are available on the market and therefore we need to assemble a purposely built cell. Italian companies have been identified that could contribute in design and building the cell.
Te design of the cell and planning of the experimental program will be realized in the first six months of the programme, while its construction and tests will take other six months. The run of the experimental programme will be performed in the following years.
The programme will last at least five years to conduct the experimental programme to cover a complete grid of parameters.

Expected results at the end of first year:

  • Database of time-space data of solar system atmospheres
  • Identification of spectral endmembers
  • Optics and detector system to measure the optical properties of gas
  • Absorption measures of the main CO2 lines in controlled conditions
  • Design of a cell for irradiation experiments
  • Construction of the cell <\UL>