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The Model

The first NEI models of a SNR X-ray emission can be found in Itoh (1979), Cox & Anderson (1982) and Hamilton, Sarazin and Chevalier (1983). They solve the NEI system of equations for each element in several concentric shells covering almost the whole remnant, and then integrate the emission over all shells to obtain the predicted NEI spectrum to be compared with observations, once folded with the instrumental response. Our data call for a more detailed approach for two main reasons: first, the clumpy nature of the emission from Vela SNR suggests expansion in a non uniform medium, which in turn requires spectral analysis to be performed on a small angular scale. Second, the high spatial resolution and high counting statistics of our observation allow us to split the tex2html_wrap_inline734 radius image in many spatial bins, and to perform separate spectral analysis on each of them. Because of the under-ionization of the plasma, the spatially resolved spectra of the shock region are expected to differ considerably from either the spectra of the central region or the overall integrated spectrum of the SNR (Brinkmann, 1988).

Fabrizio Bocchino
Wed Jan 15 13:20:09 MET 1997