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Ionization Time and nature of the X-ray emission

The ionization time derived by fitting with STNEI model is quite low. Even considering the largest value allowed by the statistical confidence regions, tex2html_wrap_inline802 appears to be not larger than 10 yr cmtex2html_wrap_inline704 in 18 out of 21 acceptable bins. The calculations of Itoh (1979) show that the ionization balance is very far from equilibrium near the shock front, but such a low range of tex2html_wrap_inline802 can be regarded as unusual. We stress that the value we find is actually a weighted average of tex2html_wrap_inline802 along the line of sight. Moreover, applying the analysis of Masai (1994) to the case of the Vela SNR, we expect tex2html_wrap_inline1030 yr cmtex2html_wrap_inline704 (eq. 24 and Figure 5 of Masai 1994) in the thin shell responsible of most X-ray emission. There is still a chance that this could be due to the simplifications introduced in our modeling: in fact, Itoh (1979) shows that the population of some ions (e.g. O VI, O VII and some N and Ne) can remain far below the equilibrium just behind the shock front, weakening the strong O VII (0.57 keV) and O VIII (0.66 keV) lines and resulting in a low values of tex2html_wrap_inline802 if derived from soft X-ray spectra. Nevertheless, a recent estimate of the ionization time in the shock region of the Cygnus loop based on a ASCA observation (Myata et al. 1994) gives tex2html_wrap_inline1036 yr cmtex2html_wrap_inline704, a value that has generally been found also in younger SNR's (Hughes & Singh, 1994). In particular Myata et al. (1994) found that a cosmic abundance STNEI plasma emission model is not sufficient to describe the spectrum, but underabundances of metal (tex2html_wrap_inline1040 of the cosmic values) should be taken into account. Moreover, Myata et al. have also found that a model based on a thermal bremsstrahlung plus 10 lines in the band 0.5-2.2 keV gives a description of the ASCA SIS spectrum of the Cygnus Loop as good as an optically thin STNEI plasma model.

For a better understanding of our results, taking also into account the abovementioned recent ASCA results, we recall that our PSPC data can be also fitted by a bremsstrahlung model and by a two temperature Raymond-Smith model (Paper I). The NEI spectrum of an optically thin plasma with tex2html_wrap_inline1042 yr cmtex2html_wrap_inline704 has the line contributions largely reduced, but not completely suppressed as in the case of the thermal bremsstrahlung. Based on the present results and those of Paper I, we conclude that more than one temperature and density component are likely contributing to the X-ray emission of the Vela SNR shock region we consider. The components are possibly both in NEI condition, but the limited spectral resolution of the ROSAT PSPC prevents us from testing this hypothesis. presence of two NEI temperatures.

The single temperature STNEI conditions are excluded as a general feature of the portion of the Vela SNR we considered, but they could be valid from a statistical point of view if applied locally in 21 spatial bins, mostly located in regions e1-e7 and f1-f7. n these regions, the observed value of tex2html_wrap_inline906 is mostly in the range 0-0.5. This derived ionization time is not realistic because we expect to see plasma with higher tex2html_wrap_inline906 (§3.2), and Figure 1 shows that the NEI emissivity peaks at tex2html_wrap_inline1050. At tex2html_wrap_inline878 the emissivity is more than 10 times less then the maximum value and should not contribute significantly to the total emission. Therefore, we have further investigated the issue of the reduced line emission contribution. In particular, we note that if the plasma has reduced metal abundances and we fit it with models having metal abundances fixed to cosmic values (as our STNEI model) using moderate spectrally resolved data, the result is an underestimate of the ionization time. In fact, our model predicts a steady evolution of the neutral plasma toward CIE conditions over long time scales. In the early stages of this process, (tex2html_wrap_inline1054) the contribution of line emission in the 0.1-2.4 keV band might be reduced, either because lines from low ionization stages have energy < 0.1 keV, or because the population of typical ROSAT band emitting ion species (like O VII) is intrinsically very low. The latter situation could arise as well in low abundance plasma in more advanced stages of ionization (e.g. tex2html_wrap_inline1058).

Recently, Vancura et al. (1994) have pointed out that the grains present in the ISM could survive long in the post-shock regions of SNR's under certain conditions of temperature and density (this is referred to as ``the dusty shock model"). Since a non negligible fraction of the metals is locked up in the grains, they would not contribute to X-ray emission until they are released upon grain destruction; the plasma in the post-shock region could then have effectively reduced metal abundances. For instance, according to Vancura et al. (1994), the fractions of Fe, Si and O (whose lines mostly fall in the 0.1-2.4 keV band) locked up in grains in the ISM are respectively of 0.98, 0.98 and 0.2, and grain destruction doesn't change significantly the fractions before tex2html_wrap_inline1060 yr for a shock speed of 400 km/sec, similar to the shock speed we have derived. During this time, the shock has moved across a region of 3 pc, spanning about half of our FOV. So it is reasonable to conclude that our results may somehow be affected by grain depletion. Detailed comparisons between the dusty shock model and our data are not feasible at the moment because of the clumpy nature of the plasma in this region.

The results presented in this work and in Paper I leave open two explanations, namely, the effect of grain depletion in the PSPC spectra of SNR's and the presence of at least two phases in the post-shock medium. Given the old age of the Vela SNR and therefore the lack of reverse shocks due to stellar ejecta, the most immediate interpretation of the multi temperature nature of the X-ray emission could be the expansion of the blast-wave in an inhomogeneous medium with formation of multiple secondary shocks in an optically thin environment. This will be studied with a greater detail and with the aid of numerical simulations in a following paper.

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Fabrizio Bocchino
Wed Jan 15 13:20:09 MET 1997