Palermo, 18-22 May 2009

Scientific Presentations

Introductory Session

Thierry Montmerle: Roberto Pallavicini Commemoration

Salvatore Sciortino: X-ray Astronomy: a quick tour from the early days to the present and … beyond

Giovanni Peres: "Thermal X-ray emission from forming stars Part 1 , Part 2

Jurgen Schmitt: Stellar X-ray astronomy: The last 30 years

Instruments and data structure

Marco Barbera: X-ray Telescopes

Alfonso Collura: X-ray Detectors

Antonio Maggio: Data Products

Low Mass Stars

Eric Feigelson: X-rays from pre-main sequence stars

Francesco Damiani: X-rays and stellar populations

Moira Jardine: X-rays from pre-main sequence stars

Eric Feigelson: X-rays, Protoplanetary Disks and Planet Formation

Cesare Cecchi Pestellini: The interaction of stellar high energy radiation with hydrogen rich planetary atmospheres

Massive Stars and Diffuse Emission

Thierry Montmerle: X-rays from massive stars

Eric Feigelson: X-ray Insights into Young Stellar Clusters

Thierry Montmerle: Shock physics and X-ray diagnostics in the Star Formation regions

Student contributions

Evelyne Alecian: Magnetism in Herbig Ae/Be stars

Catarina Alves de Oliveira, Jerome Bouvier, Estelle Moraux: Probing the low-mass end of the IMF in the Rho Ophiuchus Molecular Cloud

Sara Bonito: Observations and modeling of X-ray emission from protostellar jets

Catia Cardoso: Epsilon Indi Ba, Bb: dynamical masses for the nearest brown dwarf binary

Rachel Curran, Costanza Argiroffi, Germano Sacco, Salvatore Orlando, Fabio Reale, Giovanni Peres, Antonio Maggio: Multi-wavelength diagnostics of accretion in an X-ray selected sample of CTTSs

Arabela de la Nuez Cruz: Massive stars in embedded HII regions

Ella Hopewell: Automated spectral classification of pre-main sequence stars in NGC 6530

Germano Sacco: Modeling of the accretion shock on CTTSs and its X-ray emission

Ana Lopez Sepulcre: Molecular outflows towards O-type young stellar objects

Summary & Perspectives

Fabio Favata X-rays and star formation - The future ...

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The school is part of a programme of meetings organised by the Marie Curie Research Training Network Constellation, funded by the European Commission under contract MRTN-CT-2006-035890.